Dr. Wadhwani is pleased to share supplemental material from recent lectures. Please check back for new updates. If you are searching for a specific document that is not listed, please email us at and we will be happy to assist.
Typically used elastomeric impression materials have been reformulated for a faster set. This article aims at confirming the accuracy of such materials.
Given sufficient radiography, it may be possible to identify excess cement that may harm periodontal tissues in the gingival sulcus.
Effect of Implant Abutment Modification on the Extrusion of Excess Cement at the Crown-Abutment Margin for Cement-Retained Implant Restorations
This article compares the effect of implant abutment modification on the amount of cement axtruded at the crow-abutment region.
Read about a tool developed to deliver a measured torque to implants and to their associated components.
A novel technique to reduce the potential effect of excess cement-induced peri-implant disease and provides a controlled environment for the bonding process.
This article describes a straight-forward, in-office technique to verify a beam-type MTLD.
This study investigates the site and extent of contamination occurring on implant components following clinical impressions and laboratory procedures.
An Esthetic Solution to the Screw-Retained Implant Restoration: Introduction to the Implant Crown Adhesive Plug: Clinical Report
A novel technique of bonding a pressed porcelain plug into the screw access channel of an implant restoration that allows for control of occlusion as well as improved esthetics is discussed in this publication.
Evaluation of Implant Abutment Screw Tightening Protocols on Reverse Tightening Values: An In-Vitro Study
this study aimed at determining the optimal tightening protocol for implant abutment screws
A Simple Technique to Control the Heat Generates During Light Polymerization of Custom Impression Trays
This article dives into creating a technique to control the heat generated during light polymerization when dealing with custom impression trays.